Membership Agreement

General terms of use of the site, general rules about it and legal responsibilities

It is recommended to read the User Agreement, which includes the following terms, rules and legal responsibilities, before using

If the specified conditions are not suitable for you, please do not use your site. By using the site and filling out the form containing your personal information, you are deemed to have accepted the terms written on these pages.

Ebru Ener website reserves the right to update the content of this legal warning page at any time and recommends its users to visit the legal warning page every time they enter the site.

1. Usage and Safety Rules is open to all members. Services provided on the Site unless otherwise noted, are free.

In the following written cases, the site administration may prevent the use of the site by the member and reserves its legal rights about the person or persons involved in the following initiatives:

1 a. Incorrect, irregular, incomplete and misleading information, statements that do not comply with general moral rules and information that contradicts the laws of the Republic of Turkey are recorded on the site

1.b. Unauthorized copying of site content in whole or in part

1.c. The User is directly responsible for all kinds of damages that may arise from the sharing of information such as user name, password, usage rights, given to the users or determined by them, with third parties or organizations (the use of this information by persons other than the user). In the same way, the User cannot use personal information such as IP address, e-mail address, user name of another person on the internet, and cannot access or use other users' private information without permission. The user is deemed to have accepted any legal and penal liability that may arise due to such use.

1.d. The use of software that will threaten the security of the site, prevent the operation of the site and the software used, carry out activities, try to do it, and obtain, delete, change information

2. Content Usage

2 a. The visual and written content presented on is for personal use. All materials (“Materials”), including all domain name, logo, icon, demonstrative, written, electronic, graphic or machine-readable technical data, applied sales system, business method and business model, and related is the owner or licensee of intellectual and industrial property rights and is under legal protection. Unless otherwise stated, it cannot be used for commercial or personal purposes without permission or reference. It is forbidden to publish any item on this site in another medium or website or to give a link without the permission of Ebru Ener website.

2.b. The right of the software used in the design of these pages and the creation of the database belongs to Ebru Ener website. Copying or using the aforementioned software is strictly prohibited

2.c. All criticisms submitted to belong to Ebru Ener website, they can be used byEbru Ener website for marketing purposes if requested.

3. Responsibilities

3 a. The information (duration of visit, time, pages viewed) of users visiting is followed in order to serve them better. This information, adhering to the terms of privacy, advertising, etc. in order to expand and improve the content. It is shared with the companies we cooperate with. The purpose here is to improve the experience that the site offers to its users and to improve your

3.b. The user can start using the site by entering his e-mail address and password, provided that he complies with the conditions specified in this contract, after completing the sections required for registration and confirming his e-mail address.

3.c. While the user is using the site and its services, the Turkish Penal Code, the Turkish Commercial Code, the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works, the Decree Laws on the Protection of Trademark and Patent Rights, the Law of Obligations, the provisions of the other relevant legislation, and the provisions of the' agrees to comply with all kinds of announcements and notifications that will be published regarding its services. All legal, penal and financial responsibilities that may arise due to these notifications and illegal use belong to the User

3.d. If it is determined that the User does not comply with the obligations specified in this agreement or the general rules reported on the site, the User may be blocked from using for a period of time or indefinitely and/or his account may be closed.

3.e. The user cannot act to prevent or make it difficult for other users and visitors to use, cannot install automatic programs and force/lock servers or databases. No cheating attempts. He/she accepts that his/her membership will be terminated if he/she is found and he/she accepts all kinds of legal and criminal liability that may arise from the situation.

3.f. It is the responsibility of the individuals to back up the messages made with and is recommended by Ebru Ener website. Ebru Ener website cannot be held responsible for the loss, deletion or damage of messages due to not taking backups.

3.g. The user cannot delete or remove any copyright, trademark and any Intellectual and Artistic Works Law notes from any material copied or printed from your

3.h. Membership cancellation and account deletion can be done by the user The authorization of the user who terminates his membership to the site will be revoked. The person who cancels his membership accepts that this process is irreversible.

3.i. It is Ebru Ener website decision whether to delete any record of the user account terminated by or the user himself. The user cannot claim any right or compensation for the deleted records.

3.j. The relations of the site users with each other or with third parties are the responsibility of the persons.

3 K. may contain links or references to other websites that are not under its control. Ebru Ener website is not responsible for the content of these sites or any other links they contain.

3.l. Ebru Ener website reserves the right to use all information linked to your user account for its own marketing activities, subject to terms of use, privacy principles and applicable legal regulations.

3.m. In certain parts of the site, different rules and obligations specific to that section may be specified. Persons and organizations using these sections are deemed to have accepted these rules in advance.

3.n. Please read the "Privacy Policy" section to read our general policy and the precautions we take to protect the personal information and privacy of our users.

The user accepts that he/she will be deemed to have accepted all the provisions of this participation agreement from the moment he/she starts to benefit from the service and that the agreement will make a provision for himself/herself. The user hereby agrees to indemnify all kinds of damages incurred by Ebru Ener website due to his violation of the obligations he has undertaken herein. Ebru Ener website has the right of recourse to the User for all kinds of compensation and/or administrative/judicial fines that the User may have to pay to public institutions and/or third parties due to the violation of the contract.

4. Ebru Ener website Rights and Obligations

4.a. Ebru Ener website accepts and undertakes that the user will benefit from the contracted services, excluding technical malfunctions, and that the information other than the personal information shared by the user will not be shared with third parties or organizations except for legal obligations. If it is determined that the user has caused any electronic sabotage, attempts to interfere with earnings and / or attacks that will prevent the operation of the site, or if a criminal complaint or official investigation request is received from the official authorities, searches the identity of the relevant member. and has the right to explain

4.b. Ebru Ener websitemay unilaterally make changes to this contract without any notice in order to ensure the continuity of the services it undertakes. Ebru Ener website always has the right to permanently or temporarily stop the service it provides unilaterally, to change the content of the service or to cancel it, without giving any reason. User agrees to this right. In case of any change, Ebru Ener website will publish the current terms of use with a new date update under the same link, and if necessary, it will be notified to its users by e-mail. The renewed current terms of use will be valid from the moment they are published on and the use of site or services will depend on the renewed terms of use from that moment on.

Membership of a member who has sent materials contrary to the provisions of this agreement to may be terminated unilaterally by Ebru Ener website without any notice.

5. Entry into Force of the Agreement

The user is deemed to have undertaken to comply with the contract from the moment he/she completes and approves the registration form or receives any service or order using this system. The contract will automatically become void without the need for any warning with the termination of the membership or the realization of any of the termination situations listed in this contract.

6. Competent Court and Settlement of Disputes

Istanbul Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized to resolve disputes that may arise from the implementation of this contract.

7. Notification Addresses

Istanbul Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized to resolve disputes that may arise from the implementation of this contract.

7. Notification Addresses

7.a. site does not ask its users for postal addresses in advance. However, the e-mail address that the user informs to is considered as the e-mail where the legal address will be requested for any notification regarding this contract.

7.b. Unless the parties notify the other party in writing of the changes in their current e-mails within 3 (three) days, they accept that the requests made to the old e-mails will be valid and will be deemed to have been made to them.

7.c. Again, any notification made by using the registered e-mail address of the user will be deemed to reach the user 1 (one) day after the e-mail is sent by  The user declares, accepts and undertakes that he has read, understood, accepted all the articles in this participation agreement and approved the accuracy of the information he has given about himself.